Having it All with Hadri Hashim

 A-lister and multi-hyphenate Hadri Hashim may be fully occupied most of his time in a myriad of passion projects; yet he doesn’t think of himself as busy. “Think of me as optimally occupied,” he says. From running his own café to modelling to co-founding a modelling agency with a difference, Hadri exudes ambition, approachability, boldness and versatility – in short, he embodies all the ideals that define the Samsung Galaxy Fold4.

Behold the Taskmaster

While keeping track of multiple schedules and overlapping deadlines can become a whole task in itself, Hadri’s Galaxy Fold4 helps him stay ahead of crucial timelines by allowing him to work on various tasks all at the same time on only one device. “This machine is simply amazing – the Taskbar[1] basically transforms my mobile phone into a PC. I can easily access and switch between my most used apps with the swipe[2] of a finger,” says Hadri. “I even get to decide exactly what I want to do on which part of my screen - transforming full-screen apps into modular pop-up windows or even splitting my screen into two.”

Built specifically to support quintessential multitaskers like Hadri, the Galaxy Fold4 is fully optimised with productivity features and apps from Google and Microsoft. Thanks to our longstanding partnership with Microsoft, the full Office suite and Outlook leverages the foldable display, giving users more information on screen and faster ways to interact with their content.

Hadri recalls a time when the Galaxy Z Fold4 came to his rescue while he was in the middle of a video call with a client, and needed to fix a document on the spot. “My client was impressed and wondered how I got it done so quickly because they never saw me leave the screen. And now they know. “The Galaxy Z Fold4 is truly a life-saver and I will not forget it!” On top of that, he had another tab opened, just to gather all the information he needed during the call.

Stop… Collaborate and Listen

A typical day in Hadri’s life involves working with multiple teams over separate locations, usually in quick succession and while on the go. Enter the Galaxy Fold4’s enhanced collaborative advantage, courtesy of Google Meet. Combined with an upgraded camera experience, Hadri can be getting prepped for a photoshoot in the makeup chair whilst chairing (pun intended) a discussion with partners in his modelling agency, Topboi Citizen.

“I love the Galaxy Z Fold4’s camera feature that allows me to view the photos I take simultaneously on the left of the screen. It makes my photography process a lot easier and I am able to perfect my shots while referring to the previous takes.”

Time spent shuttling in between locations is also productively spent checking in on goings-on in his café Thursdays, whilst keeping up with his eventful social calendar on Instagram and Facebook.

“I find that there’s a certain type of stigma that goes hand-in-hand with being a go-getter… you’re at risk of being thought of as high-strung, demanding or worse still, a nightmare to work with,” says Hadri. “However, I’m convinced this is only because most people haven’t found a tool capable of keeping up with not only with their abilities, but also their ambitions as well. If you’ve got the Galaxy Fold4 to keep a handle on every single aspect of your professional, and personal life, the way I do, your success can be something that you can share with everyone around you.”

For more information on the Galaxy Fold4, go to https://www.samsung.com/my/smartphones/galaxy-z-fold4/
